Effective Ways To Reduce Your Website's Bounce Rate

When you run a website, having a high bounce rate is a metric that should cause some concern. A high bounce rate, which means that people are arriving on your website and then leaving quickly, indicates that there may be issues with your design or content. When people leave your website promptly, they're not learning about your company or organization, nor shopping from you. If you're worried about your high bounce rate, teaming up with a web designer is critical. He or she change your website design to dramatically lower the bounce rate. Here are some methods that your designer may employ.

Removing Pop-Ups

There are pros and cons of having pop-up features on your home page. If you're trying to make website visitors aware of certain information, displaying it in this manner can be useful. Conversely, there's little doubt that pop-ups can also be annoying to some of the people who access your website. You can be certain that some individuals are immediately closing your site when a pop-up box appears — thus contributing to your high bounce rate. Your web designer can remove these boxes as a way to keep visitors from quickly leaving your site.

Choosing A Simpler Design

A complicated website design is problematic for multiple reasons. Not only can it often prevent visitors from being able to locate the content that they seek, but it may also prompt some people to click off your site right away because they find your design too confusing. This, of course, contributes to a high bounce rate. Your website designer will likely recommend a simpler design, especially for the home page. A traditional, well-organized menu bar that helps people find the content they need, as well as a few useful blocks of text and images, can help to keep people from abruptly leaving your site.

Reducing Your Home Page Content

Your website designer may recommend that you reduce the amount of content that you have on your home page. Some people like the idea of flooding their home pages with information, but this can be an overwhelming idea for some visitors. If there's too much information, a visitor may feel as though he or she lacks the time and patience to get through it and decide to navigate elsewhere. If your web designer advocates a reduction in your content, you'll need to prioritize which elements are most important for the home page and which can appear elsewhere. Often, you'll find that reducing your content is simpler than you might think, and once you notice a lower bounce rate, you'll realize that this change was worthwhile.
