How Can A Mail Forwarding Service Help Start-Ups?

The days of a traditional 9-to-5 job at a fixed office as the standard career path have passed and with it, the world of small business has also shifted.

Now is an interesting time for entrepreneurs and an excellent opportunity for new enterprises to embrace new ideas, including a less static base of operations.

With point-and-click online shop options, work messaging, email, video calls and unique warehousing and order fulfillment solutions available in almost every major city, it is easier than ever for new and existing enterprises to hit the road. Add a mail forwarding service to the mix, and one of the last vestiges of a fixed location – mail delivery – can become as portable as a company.

Starting a small business today

While the global COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to permanently close, it also created opportunities for niche enterprises, particularly those meeting a product or service need unique to the pandemic. A larger awareness of online marketplaces and the importance of shopping small or diversifying an independent contractor workforce followed. Those same currents are creating a large demand for sole proprietors with specific skillsets and LLCs offering custom services and goods.

Embracing remote work

The work-from-home migration in 2020 and beyond may have started with the payroll workforce, but it created a larger cultural shift. More people now realize business can be conducted in a secure and reliable way from a distance more easily than in person. Signing a digital contract is normal and making deals with vendors without a face-to-face meeting is standard.

For the entrepreneur on the go with traveling feet or ready to leave a mark on multiple locations, the large-scale embracing of remote work makes it possible to connect with more clients and customers both on and off of traditional marketplaces. In short, business owners are free to hit the road while managing a company with roots in a particular state or municipality.

Taking care of business

Many aspects of business are easily migrated online or outsourced, including internal messaging, order processing and shipment, and customer acquisition and support. A registered agent can easily manage any legalities in the home state, such as business licensing, tax collections, and payments.

A mail forwarding service also makes it easy to relocate regularly by providing a fixed mailing address for snail mail and official correspondence while providing additional services, such as mail piece scanning to allow for selective forwarding of paper copies and packages to your new or temporary location.
